Avery, G.C. & Bergsteiner, H. 2011.
Diagnosing Leadership in Global Organisations: Theories, Tools & Cases.
Tilde University Press: Melbourne.
ISBN: 0734611331
This book aims to help students and practitioners better understand, and effectively establish, sound leadership practices and systems in organisations. While no one template fits all circumstances, management science has identified a range of leadership factors that can be combined to produce several distinct approaches to leadership. A range of analytical tools, theories and frameworks are provided to help readers understand these underlying principles, and how these principles can be applied to different situations.
Case studies are also provided detailing the leadership in 12 real organisations. The reader is then invited to apply the tools to ten other cases based on real organisations in different countries. These cases illustrate many different leadership approaches in action, while the tools provide frameworks to help understand and diagnose both effective and inappropriate leadership.
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